Objects are found. Collected. Given. Kept and passed down. They hold stories, are keys for remembrance. Even more, they were there, and now are here. They’ve come along with us, companions from where we both were before. They’re reminders, but they are also tangible, hard, evidence of touch.


Stories and objects share something, a patina. … Perhaps patina is a process of rubbing back so that the essential is revealed, the way that a striated stone tumbled in a river feels irreducible, the way that this netsuke of a fox has become little more than a memory of a nose and a tail. But it also seems additive, in the way that a piece of oak furniture gains over years and years of polishing, and the way the leaves of my medlar shine.

Edmund de Waal

Erik Niemi Objectify

Opening the box with the earrings he smelled it again, even after many years. A scent that had once filled her whole house, still here with the two ceramic flower earrings she wore every Sunday. 


Collecting is a means by which one relieves a basic sense of incompletion brought on by childhood needs. It functions as a form of wish fulfillment which eases uncertainties and existential dread. 

–Kim A. Herzinger